Announcing baby! : Frisco, TX Photographer
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Frisco Photographer,
It's taken me a while to finally get this post up partly because I was waiting until they sent out the announcements and then I forgot to post it after they did! Jen and Aubrey told me before they even knew they were pregnant that they wanted to do some pregnancy announcements and I was so excited! They have the two sweetest boys and another would be great but I am crossing my fingers for a girl for them! ;)

Turning 6 { Azlyn's lemonade stand birthday}
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Lemonade Birthday,
Azlyn's party would not have been complete without a stand, so what better to do than build one to use as decor and as a birthday gift! I had told her earlier in the week that we wouldn't have time to make one and she was super bummed so this MADE her day when Grampy and Daddy (the builders extraordinaire) surprised her with a full stand set up!!
(she was fighting a UTI all weekend and had an incredibly high fever so her crazy hair is from napping and rosy cheeks are from her fever, poor thing!)
She immediately manned her position at the stand serving lemonade to all her guests:)
Love {Krystal+Davide} I Frisco, TX Plano Photographer
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Frisco Photographer
These two were so great to work with and had so many ideas we ended up doing two full sessions! I love all the special touches and the special parts of their story. The colored powder being thrown is from the practice of the Holy festival which is the welcoming of spring. The story book about the boot is a book Davide wrote and used to propose to Krystal, how sweet is that! Love these two!
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